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Liar is a liar and that is it

Who likes a liar and their nasty shit?

They invent stories and twist the truth

Liars are everywhere, could be me, could be you,

Hell, it could be both!

Sometimes to lie is a need

Called a white lie by some good head

A lie that is needed to keep your tact

It is needed when all you want to do is act

Lies hurt and painfully bite us

We get angry and kick their ass

When our anger is over and all is in line

We still are victims of a lie so fine

Difficult to detect liars with their angelic disguise

They are so clever and appear so nice

So look on your left and look on your right

They could be beside you just out of sight

Beware of liars who have evil mind and mouth

They will deceive you with soft whispers not shouts

They will enter your life and will ruin your soul

In the end they will laugh and call you fool!

I sing whenever I’m lonely

I dance whenever I’m sad

Would you smile when I sing so loudly?

Would you be happy when I dance like mad?

I do the opposite to hide the tremendous pain

Laughing in the middle of cold lonely night

Rejoicing in the heavy pouring rain

Would it be okay if I hug you tight?

I don’t know how to do it right

To react on things as they are

I might hold back, true feelings I fight

Because I’m used to do the opposite so far

I fast whenever I’m hungry

I feast whenever I’m full

Would you be happy to see me silly?

Would it be okay to change the rule?

If loving you is stupidity then I’m stupid

Who loves being hurt and being sad

 Doing the opposite is my only cupid

To endure in this relationship so odd

Love of money is the root of all evil and sin

We should not worship money and its kin

But we are so greedy and we want it all

We believe that money will make us tall

Because of money some engage in dirty living

Robbing on the street or even fearless killing

How we adore money like God the creator

How we are blinded by its glitter and splendor

We break other’s dreams just to obtain our goal

Never minding if we hurt someone’s worthy soul

The love for money brings out the beast from within

It makes us a fanatic slave to the lust of sin

Money is everybody’s crazy obsession

Young and old have the same foolish attraction

Money, riches, or wealth it is called

The devil’s toy that we always desire to hold

So what now, have I badly hit you?

Oh, I’m very very sorry if I do

All I want is to stress that ugly behavior

And to remind that money is not our Savior

Tell me her name and the way she looks

The way she walks and the way she cooks

I want to see her to comprehend

Why our love has to end

Tell me what perfume she is using

And what lipstick she is wearing

I need to see her face to understand

Why our love just couldn't stand

Tell me how she dress and what’s her style

The way she laugh and the way she smile

I need to know why she has the crown

And why our love has to fall down

What is in her that I don’t have?

I gave it all to you, my soul, my love

What did I do to lose your affection?

My love, I want your goddamn explanation!


When his lips meet mine under the moon

And when our bodies become one so soon

Am I dreaming?

When he cuddles me through frozen night

And calms all my anxieties and fright

Am I dreaming?

When he shelters me with a love so sweet

And relieves my aching head and my calloused feet

Am I dreaming?

When he leaves me that day saying we’re done

And my world fall apart because he’s gone

Am I dreaming?

When I am down and feel so depressed

That I want to end this life full of mess

Am I dreaming?

When you wake me up and heal my broken heart

And give my damaged soul a brand new start

Am I still dreaming?

Hit me, hurt me, so I can feel that I’m awake and moving on

Push me, pull me ‘coz I’m tired asking myself the same question

Am I dreaming?

He walked to me after kissing her first

I wondered if he loved me, our link lasted for years

He came when it was dark and we made love

Then he left me full of doubts when the sun was up

He said he loved my curves and my full soft lips

And he liked my hair down to my very fingertips

I felt happy that he adored me more than her

But was lonely being just a second partner

He came one night and said He loved me

My heart jumped and I turned emotionally happy

We hugged and kissed, we made it to bed

He smelled of liquor and had a dizzy head

For years, I believed those words were true

I continued to love him even though it was against the law

He lived with me for months, my hope was high

But he left me one day with a sorrowful sky

Then came the day I vomited and was feeling sick

I told him I was pregnant, on the telephone he was silent

Tears flooded my cheeks for he was not really mine

And I was regretful being just his dirty concubine...



    Hello! In this page I will post all of the poems and short stories I have created/authored and I hope this will interest you, my reader, and entertain in some way that you would remember me hehe..Yes, i love making poems and short stories!

    If you want to copy my story please do inform me okay?


    November 2012
    October 2012


    Short Story