Sippy Cup
Most, if not all toddlers, become attached to their feeding bottles. They have them all the time; besides fulfilling their hungry tummies and providing nourishment, bottles also signifies comfort and security to a child; a pacifier.

But it is important for parents to wean their toddler from bottles at the end or start of his first year because the more you delay the transition; the more they become attached to it. (and that's what happened to us) 

They said that if the child still uses feeding bottles until 3-5 years of age there is a possibility that he/she would have bad teeth formation (especially the front teeth) and is at risk of getting cavities. I don’t know personally if it is true but I will not risk my daughter having bad protruding teeth and cavities. Ewww.

Some also said that prolong bottle usage would make the child “immature” and would probably be teased at school by classmates. It also delays the child’s speech learning development and has possibility to abnormal weight gain (obesity). As I said, I am not sure about those things to be true ( i never experienced it) but I will never risk my child being bullied at school just because she still have her feeding bottle nor will I risk my child’s speech development and health.

My husband and I decided to wean her at age 1 and 8 months (yes, I know it’s late! But better late than never, remember?). And it wasn't an easy task for us.  I said “Never give up hubby, Don’t be tricked by her cries!” hehe

We hid all her feeding bottles to a place where she has no access to. (smart move! hehe)

At first my child was having tantrums and irritabilities especially during the times when she is used to have her bottle. But I explained to her that big girls don’t need those bottles anymore. I invented a story that angels took all her bottles and gave them to poor little babies on the street (Surprisingly, it worked! hehe..I learned that my child is inborn charitable..wow)

Sippy cup was a big help for me and for my child. Instead of glass I chose to use sippy cup as a replacement for her bottle. Eventually, she learned to appreciate it and it made the transition easy for her. Why? because she wasn't force to drink from a totally different thing. Sipping is nearly associated to sucking and that prevented shock of losing what she is used to. Easy transition for her.

Now after one week, she’s able to move on and accept that she can no longer have her bottles. We encourage her to drink from glass/cup and she knows how to(old enough hehe).

I was weaned from cleaning and sterilizing feeding bottles as well (yahoo!) I love it!

Now, my active and happy child is totally back! And…her bottle? The angels took it maybe! :-)

PS: I noticed that she is less gassy thus lessen her bloated-tummy moments the time she stopped using her bottle.

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    Call me "Girl" . I am a 26 years old woman, a Filipina who loves to write and say something about things :D
    I want to write about motherhood, travels and foods..everything that excites me! 
    My English is not that outstanding hehe but I know it's understandable. :P


    October 2012


    Baby Care
    Educational Toys